Welcome To the Community

Welcome! This blog is inspired by my book: The Mom Wing-Woman. This may seem a little backwards, starting a blog after writing a book, but to be honest the whole process of developing The Mom Wing-Woman as a book and a concept has been a little unexpected. The book, The Mom Wing-Woman: A Supportive Book for New Moms was born out of a vision I have to contribute to creating communities which support and empower new moms. I wrote the book while I was on maternity leave with my third child, as I was thinking about all of the things that were helpful, and the things that were not so helpful for me as a mom of a newborn.

I strongly believe the best thing we can do for new moms (and all parents) is to empower them to be the best mom they can be, and support them in making decisions they feel confident in. And how do we do that? One way is to form communities who support, and don’t judge. Here is an excerpt from the introduction of The Mom Wing-Woman book that will give you a taste of what I am referring to:

Being a new mom can be a hard gig and the crowd is not always favourable. What I mean by that is, being a mom is hard and while those around you often mean best, their responses to your parenting choices are not always positive. In addition to the opinions of those around you, there are many, many, many (did I mention many?) resources available to the new mom. Whether it’s books or blogs there are a multitude of places to turn to for information on how to raise a child. Even the person behind you in the grocery store likely has an opinion they would like to share (no, she’s not hungry, thanks for letting me know she might be).

I have seen my friends and I battle through this terrain sometimes with difficulty. That is, how do we know what is credible? do we really know what is best for our baby, we’ve never done this before? So when I mentioned I want to empower new moms, this is what I mean: Even if you come to parenthood having never been within a foot of a baby before, the bottom line is this one is yours. With or without reading every book written about babies, you will become the expert on your child, and your opinions are valid and important. In fact I will go so far as to say the most important (along with your partner of course).  

If this speaks to you, and you can relate, then this blog and the Mom Wing-Woman website are for you. For you as a support when you need it, and also as a mechanism for you to step up and support other parents when they need it. Join the community now!

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