Mid Month Tip- Toddler Behaviour

Toddler behaviour: Sometimes it’s a no, sometimes let it go. 

As a parent of a three year old, I find myself in very ridiculous arguments with a tiny person more often than I would care to admit. Why am I engaging in an argument about why she can’t have ice cream for breakfast? Or why we are not turning around 20 minutes into the 25 minute journey to go back for teddy. These are examples of ‘sometimes it’s just a no.’ It will never be ok to have ice cream for breakfast (with the exception of recovery from dental surgery), so don’t engage in the argument, the answer is one word, no.

Sometimes though, it’s not actually a battle you need to pick, then you should consider ‘sometimes let it go’ For example, it’s mid winter here in Saskatchewan and lately my three year old only wants to wear a striped pink tank top. No sweater or long sleeve shirt over top, just the tank top. Oh and her new watch. While an adorable combo, it’s not a great choice for winter attire. However, she is putting her jacket on to go outside (that would be a non negotiable) and it’s actually quite warm inside (thank you well insulated Canadian housing with good heating systems), so this is a battle I’m leaving for now.

Of course while not your only options in response to ridiculous toddler requests, this little saying might be something to keep in mind the next time your toddler throws a curveball at you while your trying to do something important, like get out the door in the morning.

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