Mid Month Tip…DANCE

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Continuing the theme of learning, the mid-month tip for January is…Dance!

Even if taking a dance class is not your thing, stick with me for a minute here as I outline some of the benefits of learning through dance and some options. 

Dance is not only great exercise, it gives you a chance to listen to music that inspires you, calms you, or even allows you to get out some of your anger. Learning choreography engages your brain and improves your memory. Dance can be great to increase your flexibility and strength, all of which can help reduce your overall feelings of stress. From a mom perspective, it’s also something you might choose to do with your children.

Some Options:

FitOn: This is a free exercise app with all sorts of workouts. Two that might interest you in relation to dance are the barre workouts or the dance workouts. You will get prompted to sign up for the pro version which costs money, but you don’t need to, there are lots of options included with the free version. There is lots of variety not only in the type of workout, but the length, even if you only have 10 minutes there is something you can do. Check it out here

YouTube: You can find lots of dance routines on youtube. Particularly ‘Just Dance’ routines which are nice and repetitive and easy to follow. If you search the name of a song you like and ‘Just Dance’ on youtube you will likely find a routine. For example, the kids and I are planning to try this one this afternoon Just Dance: What Makes You Beautiful By One Direction. Let the community know if you have any favourites by commenting on this post. 

Create Your Own: You don’t really need to know much about dance to create your own routine. Of course you don’t even need a routine, you can just bop and move around, this is especially fun if you are goofing around with your kids and include some hairbrush microphones or air guitar. However, if you want to make a routine choose a song that is repetitive, has a beat that is easy to dance to, and that you like. Then choose a few moves to create a routine. Some examples of some moves you might include:

  • Squats
  • Two steps each direction
  • Grapevine
  • Run on the spot
  • Reach to the sky & touch the ground
  • Slide side to side

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