3 Books to Read- For Adults and Children

Inspired by a recent trip to the bookstore, and the continued wonderment of my little ones in their various stages of engaging with stories and learning to read, the theme in the Wing Community this month is Literacy for All. Here are three book recommendations, one for parents, one for a school age reader, and one for you to share with your toddler/ preschooler. Please note I do not have any affiliation with the authors, I am simply sharing books that have been useful and enjoyable for our family.

Aunty Keirin reading with my daughter Olivia

For Parents

The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi. This book delivers exactly what the title describes, genius ways to change some of the ways you do things in order to make your life easier. What parent isn’t looking for that! Using relatable examples and hitting all of the major challenges parents face in organizing homes and families, this is an easy and enjoyable read. I am excited to check out some of the other e books on the website here. I also see a follow up book is coming soon The Lazy Genius Kitchen! Special thanks to one of my wing-women Kristen for giving me a copy for Christmas, I have really enjoyed it.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

For Your School Age Reader

This recommendation comes from my nine year old whose cousin recommended these and she has been devouring them ever since. These are a series of five graphic novels by Raina Telgmeier called Smile, Ghosts, Sisters, Guts and Drama. I haven’t actually read these myself, so I can’t recommend an exact age group, but I see amazon suggests grades 3-7. Graphic novels can be great to engage children and these are no exception, very expressive and engaging illustrations, whilst still maintaining an interesting story line. 

For Your Younger Child

I Want My Hat Back by John Klassen. This is a very clever, engaging story that’s magnificently illustrated. I won’t spoil the ending for you as it’s fun for adults and children alike. Needless to say we have read this multiple times with all of my children, and also own This is Not My Hat and We Found A Hat by the same author. Trust me, it’s fun.

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